(suomi) Osallistumme yhdessä Nordic Flanges Oy:n kanssa alihankintamessuille. Tule tapaamaan meitä Tampereelle 26.-28.9.2017 osastolle A 816
Sorry, this entry is only available in suomi.
Sorry, this entry is only available in suomi.
Visit Ferral Components at Subcontracting (Alihankinta) fair in Tampere, Finland, 16-18 September 2014. www.alihankinta.fi/ You will find us at hall A and stand 816, we look forward seeing you there. Contact Sakari Pahkala for tickets. Welcome!
Visit Ferral Components at ONS 2014 fair in Stavanger, Norway, 25-28 August 2014. www.ons.no/2014/ You will find us at hall O and stand 1335, we look forward seeing you there. Contact Sakari Pahkala for tickets. Welcome!